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All translations - bruneta_yo18

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Results 1 - 16 of about 16
Source language
English sometimes i have a broken heart and maybe some...
sometimes i have a broken heart and maybe some days nothing goes right

Completed translations
Romanian Câteodată inima mea e frântă şi poate în unele zile nimic nu merge cum trebuie.
Source language
English my lifestyle determines my deadstyle
my lifestyle determines my deadstyle

Completed translations
Romanian Stilul meu de viaţă determină modul în care o să mor.
Source language
English a woman is always a mystery one be not fooled by...
a woman is always a mystery one be not fooled by her face

Completed translations
Romanian O femeie este întotdeauna un mister, nu vă lăsaţi păcăliţi de ...
Source language
English hide me inside you where the sweetest things are...
hide me inside you where the sweetest things are hidden between the roots of roses and spices

Completed translations
Romanian Ascunde-mă înăuntrul tău, unde cele mai dulci lucruri sunt ...
Source language
English many people live happily without knowing it
many people live happily without knowing it

Completed translations
Romanian Mulţi oameni trăiesc fericiţi fără să o ştie
Source language
English one kiss breaches the distance between friendship...
one kiss breaches the distance between friendship and love

Completed translations
Romanian Un sărut micşorează distanţa dintre prietenie ...
Source language
English everybody want to go to haeven but nobody want to...
everybody want to go to haeven but nobody want to die

Completed translations
Romanian Toată lumea vrea să ajungă în Rai, dar nimeni nu vrea să moară
Source language
English what is a pleasure other than the sweetest sorrow
what is a pleasure other than the sweetest sorrow

Completed translations
Romanian ce înseamnă o plăcere altceva decât cea mai dulce tristeţe